Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Burgers + A Scenic Drive

I'm hoping this post will make up for my lack of pictures on my last post...

Today was beautiful.  The afternoon temps were in the high 40's and the sky was bright blue and completely cloud-less.  We had no plans today, so after Mike worked for a little while in the morning, we decided to go for a drive to learn our way around our new town.

Our first stop was a cute little restaurant called "The Burger Lounge."  Mike had actually heard about this place on one of his favorite ski websites.  It's a small place.  Just recently re-opened under new management.   All of their burgers are made with a 1/2 pound of beef (or turkey).  We got the "deluxe" burger which came with cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, etc.  Pretty standard toppings.  It was DELICIOUS!  It was juicy and messy and wonderful!  And... I ate every. single. bite.  They also make homemade fries that you can get with various toppings... garlic... cheese... chili... mushrooms... etc.  We split an order of plain fries but we really should have skipped those altogether because we only ate a few of them.  Anyway, after filling up on juicy, fattening, yumminess,  we took a drive towards Kirkwood Ski Resort...

We stopped periodically to take pics of the beautiful scenery...

Red Lake... covered in ice and snow

Partially frozen Carson River

Carson River 

One dirty Subaru 

Glittery snow... of course this picture doesn't begin to do it justice.  It was so sparkly! 

Caples Lake... frozen and covered in snow

Ice fishermen 

Notice the "Road Closed" signs... they are almost completely covered in snow 

Lots of ski tracks at Kirkwood Ski Resort 

That same little cabin at the top of Carson Pass that we have taken several pictures of... with approximately a 6 ft wall of snow

Knarly tree

And... a Jeep with tracks!  For serious snow driving.  :)  

The weather has been absolutely beautiful here lately and the forecast is calling for it to continue!  It was a great day for a scenic drive.

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