Friday, June 7, 2013

Paddle around Emerald Bay

Mostly pics in this one.... hope you enjoy.

This morning, Mike and I decided to wake up early and paddle out to Emerald Bay.  We've always wanted to see it from the water.  The weather was P.E.R.F.E.C.T.  It truly could not have been better.
Just us on the super calm lake... 

Perfect temp... no humidity... sun coming up... hot air balloon taking off from the lake...AWESOME

Stopping to hydrate 

Complete peace. 

Mt. Tallac 

Those rocks are DEEP. 

At the mouth of Emerald Bay. 

Eagle Falls in the distance... and Fanette Island off to the left. 

Took a rest on a sandy beach... to hydrate and apply sunscreen. 

Looking out toward Lake Tahoe. 

We were watched by big Osprey. 

We paddled up the creek at the back of the Bay. 

Accidentally sat on the pull cord for my personal flotation device... and it blew up.  Oops!  Feeling like an idiot. 

Mike with Fanette in the background. 

Momma duck and her 6 ducklings.  Precious.  Oh, and pollen.  Lots of pollen. 

Hiked to a waterfall.  

Then hiked to a BIGGER waterfall!  

Yep, it's growing that way. 

Big Sequoia trees in this area.  Not as big as some we've seen, but still large. 

After ALL that paddling and hiking, we strung up the hammocks, ate a snack, and took a rest.  Not a bad view.  

Fannette Island.  The "tea house" is the little castle-like structure at the top.  Mike is the paddle-boarder in the distance. 

Thought the paddle back was gonna be windy/rough.  Totally FLAT AND CALM! 

Mt. Tallac and that beautiful "alpine carribean" water of Lake Tahoe.  I can't get enough of it. 

Stopped for a break on the paddle back... Mike was brave and jumped in.  

Serenity.  Mt. Tallac and Taylor Creek. 

Where Taylor Creek meets Lake Tahoe. 

I'm not sure if we have had a more perfect day since we've lived here.  The weather was unbelievably in our favor today!  And because we were out early, we had Emerald Bay completely to ourselves for a few hours.  It was seriously magical. After a LONG paddle, we headed to Riva Grill for lunch where we sat on the deck in the shade, looking out over the most beautiful lake in the world.  After lunch, we headed home for naps!  I took my little siesta in my hammock... catching some quality zzzz's under the shade of the trees.  Awesome day.  

Can NOT wait to see our friends coming soon to visit!!!!

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