Sunday, January 27, 2013

Return To Paradise

Let me begin by apologizing to those of you who read my blog solely for the pictures.  This post is ALL words.  But please don't worry... there will be more pics to come.

I love North Carolina, but I'm so happy to be back in California/Nevada.  After a very long day of travel (3 planes... 2 long layovers in DC and Denver), I landed in Reno where Mike picked me up from the airport.  Overall, my flights were good.  I flew into Denver as the sun was setting behind the Colorado Rockies which was absolutely beautiful.  Flying into Reno, I could see the snow covered mountains surrounding the "Biggest Little City In The World," and I kept thinking to myself: "I can NOT believe I live here."

I've been home for a few days now and in that time, my life has been nothing short of awesome.  I was nervous about adjusting back to the altitude and time difference but, truthfully neither one has been an issue.  I took a short nap on my last flight which helped me adjust.  I went to bed around 11:00 pm (2:00 am east coast time), and I woke up at 7:30 am (10:30 am east coast time), feeling great.  I feel like I've adjusted much quicker than I expected.  I also thought I would have headaches from the altitude... but no issue there either.  It was a pretty easy transition back to the west coast and I am so thankful for that.

Friday, I spent with my boys.  I had several loads of laundry to do and we ventured out in the late afternoon to run a few errands.  We came home... cooked a chicken pot pie... watched some tv... and hit the sack.  It was a very relaxing day.  

Then came Saturday... in a nutshell: it was a day that truly reflects WHY we moved here.  We slept in until 8ish... had coffee and breakfast... lounged around... hit the slopes around 10:00ish... skied together all day... enjoyed a ride on the Gondola down to South Lake Tahoe around 1:30 for coffee and "Heavenly Donuts"... then rode back up the mountain for a few more runs... visited the Tamarack Ski Lodge around 3:30 for what can only be described as a slopeside PARTY with a DJ inside the lodge and a live concert outside.  I can NOT believe I live here.

After skiing, we decided to head down to South Lake Tahoe for a nice sushi dinner.  We had the BEST sushi I have ever eaten in my life.  The chefs were amazing... and their sushi creations were unbelievable.  The best part of dinner was when I realized the basketball game on the television was actually NC State vs. UNC!  Ahhh... a little taste of North Carolina to go along with my new California/Nevada life.  And the greatest news of all????

THE WOLFPACK WON!!!  All seems right with the world.

After dinner we walked around South Lake Tahoe for a while... venturing into one of the Casino's... but only to use their restroom!  : ) Thankfully, neither of us really see anything fun about gambling.

Now it's Sunday... and we woke up to falling snow.  We are expected to get a few inches out of this storm.

That is all for now but, stay tuned... I'm hoping to have more pictures to post soon, and possibly a video tour of our house.

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