Saturday, May 11, 2013


Tomorrow is mother's day... a day we would typically spend celebrating with our moms.  But this year we are 3,000 miles away and we will have to tell them how much we love them via skype.

To Blair's Mom:

Mom, please know how amazing you are!  I am so incredibly blessed to have been raised by you and Dad.  I had the most amazing childhood, and I am the person I am today because of you and Dad. Thank you for always challenging me (by making me take 2 trips when I REALLY didn't want to)... and thanks for helping me find my "sense of adventure!"  I hope one day I can be HALF the mother you are!  I miss you TONS and I can't wait for you and Dad to come visit.  I hope you have a wonderful mother's day and I wish I could be there to celebrate with you.  XOXO - Blair (and Mike and Zater)

To Mike's Mom:

I'm sorry I can't be there to celebrate with you for mother's day.  Thank you for being supportive of our decision to move across the country.  You have done so much for me over the years and I can't possibly thank you enough.  I hope you have a wonderful mother's day!  Miss you and love you!!!  - Mike (and Blair and Zater)

We love you both to the moon and back!  When it comes to mother's... we both hit the jackpot!  Wishing you the VERY best mother's day EVER from 3,000 miles away!  Love you both!

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