Saturday, June 1, 2013

Echo Lakes

If you read the blog regularly, you'll notice that lately my blogs are all about weekend activities.  Well, that because the real world hits HARD during the week and there's just not much time to do anything besides work (and occasionally work out).

But on Fridays, the adventures begin.  The forecast was calling for the weather to be in the 70's starting on Friday and lasting through the weekend.  So we decided to take advantage of the warm weather by paddling out to our favorite little island on the lake.  It was pretty windy all day which must have kept everyone else inside (or everyone was at work), because we had the entire island to ourselves the entire afternoon.  Mike and I napped in the warm sand while Zater sniffed everything and chased all the birds away.  We put on sunscreen before leaving the house but because it was SO windy, we couldn't feel ourselves getting burned.  Obviously we live closer to the sun because we BOTH got very weird/splotchy sunburns.  

Saturday morning, we lazily decided to go hiking by Echo Lakes.  We thought we would just hike about 2 miles or so, then turn around.  It turned into a 9 mile hike to 5 different lakes.

We started at the marina at Lower Echo Lake and followed the Pacific Crest Trail to Upper Echo Lake.  The two lakes are connected by a very small channel and there is a boat taxi that will pick you up and carry you back to the marina if you don't want to hike back out.

Following the trail along Lower Echo Lake. 

First look at Upper Echo - with lots of rocky islands.  

Awesome weather... awesome scenery.  

We ate lunch in the shade by the lake, let the doggie cool off by swimming, and decided to continue hiking for another mile or so to see 3 more lakes.  From this point, we were entering desolation wilderness and I LOVE that the sign says, "You are about to enter a special place."  

Us... with Upper and Lower Echo in the background. 

We also saw Tamarack Lake: 

 And then we came to Ralston Lake... my personal favorite: 

Zater staring at all those sticks under the water.  

He just had to go after them.  

Unbelievable water.  Absolutely beautiful place. 
 Ralston Peak is the highest peak in the picture...

 ... we skinned the OTHER side of Ralston Peak back in February... 

Near the top of Ralston... with Pyramid Peak in the background - February 2013. 

We also passed Caglin Lake, but didn't walk down to it.  
After hanging out by Ralston Lake for a while, we headed back to the trailhead at Lower Echo.  
We got a few good pics on the way down too!

Mike and Zater crossing the log to stay out of the water.  

There was even a distant view of Lake Tahoe! 
 And after a nice long hike, we sat on the docks at the marina, drank some water and ate some trailmix, while soaking up the scenery.  

Those are some tired feet. 
It's ironic but I felt exhausted and rejuvenated at the exact same time.  

"Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." 
-Rachel Carson 

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