Thursday, December 18, 2014

4 years later...

... I couldn't be any happier.  When I look back at our wedding, I realize how truly awesome that day was.  It really was the best day of my life.  We had a small wedding.  A very laid back and low budget wedding.  It was truly about our marriage... not the party.  I remember being so happy that everyone we knew and loved was together in one room to watch us vow to be best friends forever.  That's amazing.

I know some people look back on their weddings and remember the stress and work involved.  I've heard people say, "If I had to do it again, I'd elope."  Our wedding was very low stress and if I had to do it all over again, I'd do it exactly the same way.  We still feel so grateful that so many people traveled from near and far (and very far) to be there with us.  We felt so loved on that day.  I felt welcomed into Mike's family and he felt welcomed into mine.

And here we are... 4 years later... way out west and living out our dreams.  I'm so thankful for this partner I found in life.  And I'm eternally grateful for the support systems we have at home.  To all of you who attended our wedding 4 years ago... thank you.  Thanks for believing in us.  Thanks for being there for us in 2010 and today!  So much love to all of you!

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