Sunday, April 21, 2013

Our New Normal

I've worked one week of full time outpatient at the hospital here in South Lake Tahoe and so far, I am loving it.  I imagine it will get pretty busy at times.  It's a little overwhelming right now because I am having to relearn some of my orthopedic stuff from grad school, but it's also sort of exciting.  The people I work with make everyday FUN.  I love that everyone gets along.  It is really like a work family and I'm happy to be a part of it.

In addition to working more regular hours, my job and co-workers motivate me to stay active.  Many of the rehab team members like running and the hospital has offered to pay the registration fees for any employee wanting to run a trail race in June.  So, I signed up.... for the 12K.  [Not sure what I was thinking.]  That is 7.5 miles... on a "steep" trail... approximately 7,000 ft above sea level.  Awesome.  My only goal is to complete the race.  The longest race I've done so far is a 10K (6.2 miles at sea level) so I think this race in June will be a pretty good challenge for me.

As I am getting used to my new work schedule, Mike and I are still managing to find time for our hobbies.  Saturday after work, we decided to go skinning at Heavenly.  We parked at a different lodge this time, and climbed up different ski runs for a totally different workout than my last post.  It has been very warm here for the past few days so the snow was very slushy.  In fact, it was so warm that I took my jacket off and wore only a t-shirt during the climb.  It took us almost 3 hours to climb 2600 vertical feet.

Snow capped mountains in the distance during the climb to the top. 

We stopped about half way up for a rest break (and to apply moleskin to our blisters). 

We followed the ski runs to the top of one of the highest chair lifts at the resort.  The valley and lake views were amazing.  The sun was just starting to set but there was still plenty of daylight.  We sat and munched on trail mix while listening to the sound of live music coming from South Lake Tahoe.  I could really get used to having the ski resort to ourselves.    

Mike enjoying a well-deserved adult beverage and trail mix at the top. 

After skinning, we are always EXHAUSTED!  

Today, after I worked this morning at the hospital, we indulged in our other favorite hobby: paddleboarding.  We put in at the upper Truckee river... and paddled to where it feeds the lake.  

Mike carrying one of the boards down to the water.  

The water is not as clear back here, but it was neat to paddle around the marshes.  It reminded us a lot of paddling at the coast in North Carolina.  

A group of stand up paddleboarders in the distance.  

Where the river meets the lake, there is this awesome (and long) sand peninsula. 

From there, we paddled over to the Tahoe Keys; a neighborhood of waterways where every house is waterfront property.  

There are some BIG boats on this lake. 

Some homes in the Keys. 
After paddling for a while in the Keys, picking out our favorite homes and boats, we paddled back out to the peninsula to take a little break.  

People partying at the end of the peninsula... they brought a whitewater raft full of party supplies.  

Looking down the sand bar... that's Heavenly in the distance... we were at the top yesterday. 

After some time in the sun, we paddled back along the river to the car.  

We are having a wonderful time getting settling into our new "routines."  
Please note: I post these pictures and stories so that everyone back home knows we are happy and safe.  They are not intended to make anyone jealous.  Tahoe is a pretty awesome place so don't be jealous... just come visit!   

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