Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Zephyr Cove...

... is a beautiful cove on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe.  My last blog post included pictures and videos of the storm creating waves in Zephyr Cove.  Today, Mike and I had our afternoon free and decided to take a walk/hike on one of the trails by the cove.  The weather was PERFECT... 65 degrees with those infamous bright blue Tahoe skies!  

We weren't really sure how long the trail was, but decided to give it a try.  Turns out, it was a very short hike.  There were lots of different paths to go down... through the forest and a meadow.  We had awesome views of Mt. Tallac in the distance.  

One of the first paths we took led down to the lake.  The beautiful thing about spring is that MOST of the skiing tourists have left (since most of the ski resorts are closing in the next few weeks), but the summer tourists haven't started taking over (from what we hear, it gets pretty crowded here).  
We had this beach completely to ourselves.  

We stayed here for a while... just taking in the scenery while the dog played on the beach and splashed around in the water.  

From there... we followed other paths that led us to different beaches on the lake.  Along the way we crossed a creek and saw some pretty cool trees like this one: 

... with really cool bark... 

... which makes me really excited about our camping trip to Sequoia in August!  

Found another beach in the cove.  Totally alone again.  No one else around to disturb us.  

And we found where the creek dumps into the lake... 

Even though Nevada is called the "silver state" because of silver mining... there is also some gold mining apparently.  And... as if this place wasn't BEAUTIFUL enough, there are gold flakes floating in the lake!  [Ok, so I realize this is not REAL gold, but it sparkles in the water like gold glitter and it IS beautiful when the sun shines on it]
 It's also really hard to get a picture of this "gold" but never-the-less I attempted to:

It's hard to tell because the picture just makes it look like the sun is reflecting off the water.  You'll just have to come out here to see it for yourself!!! 

We eventually wandered out to this point where we climbed out on the big, warm rocks and just sat for a while.  The rocks were warm and we sat here long enough to get a sunburn.  Oops.  But it was so hard to leave and we really had no where else to go... so... we just sat.  It was awesome.  

By the way, when we were debating on what to do today, we thought about going paddleboarding since the air temperature was supposed to reach the high 60's.  But, we always check the weather first because you never know what the weather might do.  The winds could pick up all of a sudden and make for a long, hard paddle back to the shore.  Today, there was a lake wind advisory so we opted for hiking/staying on land.  

I think this is the ROUGHEST the water got the whole time we were out there: 

It was like glass!  Perfect day for paddleboarding.  Too bad we missed it.  It's a good thing we live here now so we can paddle here another day! 

Now this person had the right idea:
(note the stand up paddle boarder in the bottom left corner) 

Overall, it was another awesome day in Tahoe.  My days of frequent "time off" are coming to an end though.  I start full time at the hospital next week.  Hopefully with my new schedule we will still have plenty of time for awesome outdoor activities!  

Miss y'all!  

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