Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Friday we drove 7 hours down to Sequoia National Park to camp for the weekend.  I'm pretty exhausted... so here's another post of mostly pictures!  Enjoy!

The General Sherman: the world's largest living tree. 

Standing in front of a LIMB that fell off the General Sherman.  Crazy. 

The Tunnel Log: 

Our campsite was near a small fork of the Kaweah River... awesomely blue/clear water. 

There were a LOT of signs about proper food storage, etc. in the park because of the high volume of brown bears... now we know why: 

Saturday we drove up to Kings Canyon.  It was a beautiful drive.  

King's River: 

Back in Sequoia, we stopped to see the General Grant... another huge Sequoia, and other sights in the park.  There was a giant Sequoia that fell in the early 1900's and it looks the same now that it did then.  It's also cool because it's hollow and you can walk through it... 

We climbed to the top of Moro Rock: 

The views were amazing... 

"Stay inside railing."   Does that really need to be said????  

The coolest thing we did over the weekend, was climb Moro rock at night.  Mike convinced me to do it.  It was awesome. It was a cloudless night and trillions of stars were out.  We must have seen 10 to 15 shooting stars.  Very cool experience.  

 On the way home we decided to take a different route... through Yosemite. 

Yosemite Park is also amazing!  Breathtaking scenery everywhere you look.  But spring is definitely the time to visit because this time we noticed the waterfalls had all dried up.  Crazy.  

We drove over Tioga pass leaving the park.  It was probably the most scenic mountain pass we've ever driven over.  

Lake Tenaya: 

 Waterfalls flowing from Lake Ellery... 

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