Sunday, July 27, 2014

Practicing Faith

Let your faith be bigger than your fear #faith

Guess what??? I'm going to Lima, Peru in November!  I'm going on another wheelchair outreach... where used/refurbished wheelchairs get shipped to Peru and then a team of PT's and OT's show up and hold free clinics where we distribute the wheelchairs to people who need them.  

I did an outreach like this to Romania back in 2009?  [I think that was the year.]  Anyway, it's been a while but I'm excited about doing another one!  And this will be my first time to South America!  

I had no idea how much we (American's) have at our disposal.  Many people here need wheelchairs but we have access to custom fit chairs which get billed through insurance.  In Romania, my eyes were opened.  We saw people in homemade wheelchairs.  We also saw people with chairs that were practically falling apart.  We have a lot of "needs" in this country, but there is definitely a need for this equipment (that we are "throwing away") in these other countries.  

If you want to help by praying: Please pray for safe travels and an effective outreach.  Please pray that all the Americans get along with each other (I have no doubt that we will get along with the Peruvians).  Please pray for every team member's health and happiness while on the outreach.

If you want to help by donating to this outreach: visit
... enter my last name (this is kinda funky, but you have to press the space bar after my name in order for it to work) ... and then enter my account number: 6EF2D5
and follow the steps to to make your donation.

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm.  Let nothing move you.  Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 

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