Sunday, August 30, 2015

Endless Summer

Just because I'm back I work, I refuse to stop enjoying these last few days of summer.  So, this week was jam packed with fun:

Monday night was Ladies Night paddleboarding.  It was a gorgeous night.  The weather was beautiful and the sunset was awesome.  There is a great group of ladies who paddle each week and I've had a blast getting to know them.  I didn't take any pictures but there are some on Facebook.

Tuesday night was a Ladies Night mountain bike ride.  The plan was to start around 6:30 or so I thought.  Instead, we started riding after 7:00 when everyone finally arrived to the trailhead.  There were 20 girls!  It was AWESOME!  Some had never ridden before.  We got to the top after the sun had set.  We spent only a couple of minutes, then turned around and headed down the mountain... in the dark.  It was an adventure.
Approximately half of the girls. 

The beautiful sunset over the lake
(as seen from my bike). 

Yep... that's the moon. 


Wednesday was a "normal" night.  I came home, worked out and showered.  Then I picked Mike up in town after he completed a LONG bike ride (~30 miles).  We ate some dinner, relaxed on the couch, etc.

Thursday afternoon, Mike suggested we go to the beach.  It was a lovely day but pretty windy.  The lake was rough but the sound of the waves + the warm sand put me right to sleep.

Friday night was just as awesome.  We went out with some friends to hear our friend's band.  They were awesome and we had a great time!

Saturday morning, fall arrived.  It's still pretty warm during the day but the overnight low was in the 40's!!!  It was a cool, crisp, morning and it was SUPER WINDY so we decided just to stay around the house (actually, that's not totally true... Mike went on a short bike ride).  Anyway, it's been a nice, relaxing weekend and we are feeling rested and ready for another work week!  Stay tuned for more adventures!

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