Sunday, June 29, 2014

Birthday Shenanigans and a LONG Paddle


I turned 29 yesterday!  My LAST year in my 20's.  Next year, I will be in a new decade and won't ever be able to be "in my 20's" ever again.  It sounds sad when I say it like that.  

I plan to do everything on my list (and more) before I turn 30 next year.  I'm determined to make this last year in my 20's be the BEST year of my 20's.  

29 started out a little rough.  I decided I would be responsible and work on my birthday (since it was my regularly scheduled day to work).  Well, as it turn out, I dislike working on my birthday. 

As soon as I left work my day got DRASTICALLY better!  Funny how that happens.  I went for a run after work and ran for an hour with only 1 stop for water.  When I came home there was a glass of wine and surf-n-turf dinner prepared by my amazing husband.  After dinner, we went to Heavenly village to listen to some live music and split some ice cream.  I was in bed and asleep by 10:00 (birthdays sure have changed since my early 20's).  It was fantastic!  

Also worth mentioning: I got a lot of presents this year and I just want to say how appreciative I am.  My mom-in-law sent me an AWESOME throw pillow with one of my favorite quotes on it, as well as an awesome kitchen towel.  We got 2 bottles of wine from Mike's dad's journey to Napa.  Mom and Dad sent money which always fits just right.  I got the sweetest present from my best friend from back home (a beautiful scarf and bracelets) and my sweet husband got me some adorable bookends (Tahoe themed with cute little black bears) since I've been buying so many books lately.  I feel SO loved.  

Today, Mike and I decided to go for a LONG paddle.  The weather was perfect: sunny and warm with a light breeze... the kind of breeze that keeps you cool but doesn't create waves on the lake.  We drove 2 cars and put the boards in the water at Sand Harbor in North Lake... then paddled ~12ish miles south to Cave Rock where Mike's truck was parked.  

Thunderbird Lodge

I took LOTS of pictures and videos of the water... simply because it's stunning.  It's so beautiful.  

There are tons of coves and harbors along the shoreline that are only accessible by hiking down to them or boating up to them.  I've been wanting to see several of these harbors for a long time and we decided this long paddle was the best way to check them all off the list at once.  

The first cove was Chimney Beach... aptly named for the large chimney that is left behind from a shore front cabin from long ago.  

Chimney Beach

A brave little duck who apparently wanted our snack.

Cool bird's nest 

So then we made our way to Secret Harbor which is VERY secretive.  It's for "naturalists."  Ya know... those people who REALLY don't like tan lines?  So basically, it's clothing optional.  Well, we weren't really sure where we were during our excursion so we paddled into EVERY cove.  

Well, we definitely knew when we arrived in Secret Harbor.  There were LOTS of people and it didn't seem like a "clothing optional" beach... it seemed like a "clothing BANNED" beach.  What shocked me the most was the number of people there!  They were on boats... they were on the beach... they were all over the rocks!  It was crazy.  Good for them.  I'm sure they have very free spirits.  We kept paddling. 

Notice the sailboat... that's where all the naked people were.  

I would like one of those cabins for my birthday next year... pretty please?  

5 hours later we finally made it to Cave Rock! 

Cave Rock 

It was a long day, but a great day.  We've almost paddled the entire East shore of the lake (just a few short sections left to paddle).  After all that paddling, we went to T's Rotisserie in Incline Village to split a BIG chicken burrito and some chips & salsa.  It was delicious.  

I realize I am blessed.
Blessed to have a full time job that I enjoy (most of the time).
Blessed to have so many friends and family that care about me.
Blessed to live in the most beautiful place on Earth!
Blessed to have the most amazing husband. 
I'm trying my very best not to take any of it for granted. 

1 comment:

  1. How freakin fun! I need to learn how to paddle. We went to the east shore also today. Logan Scholls park. We sunbathed on the rocks, it was beautiful!
