Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall Festivities

Finally, the King fire is contained!  There is no more smoke in the basin.  It's fall and it's gorgeous!  The weather is perfect (which is true 99% of the year).  The leaves are changing.  The salmon are swimming upstream.  It's awesome.  So, here's a glimpse of what it looks like around Tahoe now.

Bye King fire smoke! 

All smoke... can't see the mountains!

Groves of Aspens! 

Cabins tucked in groves of Aspen trees.  

Yesterday we spent the day at Apple Hill... visiting wineries... picking pumpkins... eating WAY too many delicious apple flavored desserts (dumplings... doughnuts... cheesecake).  We bought homemade apple butter and strawberry apple jam.  We bought 2 apple pies for the freezer (hopefully they'll make it to Thanksgiving and Christmas).  

Free wine tasting with a view! 

2 weeks until Peru!  6 weeks until Thanksgiving!  10 weeks until Christmas!!!  Not that I'm counting. 

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