Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mineral Springs

Let me begin by telling you that I forgot to take my camera along on this little outing, so there are no pics to accompany this post...

... for some of you I know that means you will stop reading right. about. NOW.

For the rest of you, continue reading and use your imagination to picture the pure awesomeness!

So, instead of giving you all the details of the day, I'll skip to the hot springs.  Basically, Mike has some friends visiting from North Carolina and they have all been skiing non-stop.  Yesterday they decided to rest their legs and what better way to do that than massages and long soaks in hot springs?  I can't think of any better way to rest.

We went to this place called David Walley's which is a resort/spa down in Carson Valley.  It's a rustic, log cabin type of place with lodging, an elegant spa, and big soaking pools that they fill with water from the hot spring (which is not so much a natural pool, but more of a steamy/warm creek).  I won't lie to you... I was a little disappointed at first because there aren't any "natural pools" but I soon realized that was probably more ideal because you get an actual seat, as opposed to standing or squatting or sitting on the edge of the rocks in a natural pool.

The place was beautiful.  It's nestled at the edge of the Carson mountain range - to one side you see steep, desert mountains that slowly change into snow covered peaks, and to the other side you see wide open plains in the valley with another snow capped mountain range in the distance.  We got there around 5:00 pm and we were just settling down into the mineral pools as the sun was setting.  It cast a gorgeous pink color across the sky.  Sitting in the 104 degree pool, you felt totally weightless... like there was zero stress in your body.  It was amazing.  When the sun got low enough, the biggest, and most golden full moon started to rise.  It truly looked as if you could reach out of the spa and touch it.  I was totally in awe of the moon.  We sat in the hot springs long enough to watch as the stars came out.  Unbelievable.  Breathtaking.  And all I kept thinking/saying was, "DANG, I wish I had my camera."

David Walley's which has been around since 1862, also has a restaurant that we had heard really good things about.  So, after we were all sufficiently wrinkly, we showered and headed over to the restaurant.  You enter through 2 huge wooden doors to a dark and rustic atmosphere.  They had a wood burning fireplace with a roaring fire, big leather oversized club chairs scattered about for cocktails and socializing with friends, and big deer, elk, and ram heads on the walls.  Very masculine, but cozy place.  We decided to eat at the bar and the food was amazing.  Mike and I both had the Atlantic seared salmon with herb polenta in a marsala mushroom sauce.  De-lish.  Everyone at the table cleaned their plates.

It was a wonderful, relaxing day and as we drove up the mountain toward home, I couldn't take my eyes off the huge, bright white moon that was truly lighting up the snow around us.  It was such a peaceful day and I'm so glad I got to witness such natural beauty.

Now, who is ready to come visit us in Tahoe???

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