Sunday, February 17, 2013

Paddleboarding and Skiing...

... in the same weekend.  One of the many reasons we love it here so far.  This weekend's activities were AWESOME... and exhausting... so this blog is mostly pictures.  Enjoy! 

So on Thursday afternoon, after we both worked a few hours in the morning, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and skinned around Genoa Peak which is VERY convenient to our house.  We weren't at the top, but the views were still amazing.

Such a happy dog

If I didn't take these crazy pictures of me... people might not believe that I was there! 

The meadow... nice and flat 

A dog really is a man's (or woman's) best friend. 

Friday I worked a half day, followed by grocery shopping and assembling our recently delivered new chairs (so our guests now have a place to sit).  We also had dinner with another couple at a local sushi restaurant.  

Saturday, the weather was BEAUTIFUL.  We drove about an hour and a half to Folsom, CA.  That's right... home of Folsom Prison where the one and only Johnny Cash performed 2 concerts.  The temperature was in the high 60's and sunny.  We went paddleboarding on Folsom Lake for a few hours.  

Felt like we were paddleboarding in the desert. 

That's a lot of gear on that truck... for a lot of fun activities! 

So after paddleboarding... we HAD to swing by Folsom Prison to see the prison museum (which of course was equally filled with Johnny Cash memorabilia).  

The East Gate at Folsom Prison... 

Home Sweet Home in the distance

Bridal Veil Falls 
Sunset on the drive home

And finally Sunday... we skinned Mt. Ralston.  After our long paddle the day before, we made it CLOSE to the top, but not quite to the top of the ridge.  

Pyramid Peak 

We climbed approximately 2500 vertical feet... 

... and my heart rate monitor said I burned 2800 calories!  :) 

We have blisters on our hands from paddling... blisters on our feet from skinning... our muscles are sore... and we are happy!  The only thing that could make it better is if our friends/family from NC were here too!  

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