Friday, February 8, 2013

Work AND Play

Exciting things are happening in Tahoe... always.

I started my job at the hospital this week!  I am a per-diem physical therapist for the local hospital in South Lake Tahoe, which basically means that they call me for fill-in work in a variety of clinics.  So, I could work in the hospital one day in acute care... or inpatient... or outpatient... I could also get called to work in one of 2 other clinics which aren't on the hospital campus.  This is a big adjustment when coming from 2 previous years of working ONLY in pediatrics.  So far, I must say I am REALLY enjoying it.  The hospital is fairly small which is nice... I am already learning my way around a little bit.  But, the best part BY FAR is that all of my co-workers seem AMAZING!  Everyone is so nice!  And everyone seems to get along very well!  It feels like a family and they just welcomed me right in.

Mike is steadily working his job and seems to be loving it as well.  He wakes up very early during the week... goes up to the 3rd floor guest bedroom/office and bids on cars at East coast auctions.  He's usually done fairly early in the day and has his afternoons free to ski or relax.

Other news from Tahoe... we got a little snow!  I say "little" because we only got about 1-3 inches in some places but it had been SO long since our last snow.  We had a lot of days of 40+ degree temperatures and beautiful sunshine which was wonderful... but which also melts the fluffy snow and turns it into ice.

Anyway, Kirkwood Ski Resort reported 5 inches of fresh snow so we decided to ski there this morning.   I had never skied there before.  I really enjoyed skiing there today.  Mike and I split up because I needed to practice skiing his "hand-me-down skis," and he wanted to go ski some stuff that is WAY beyond my level.  I got pretty adventurous by myself... for me anyway.  I skied through some trees (nothing too crazy) so that I could feel what it's like to "float" through the powder.  Although there wasn't much powder, it was still amazing.  I totally see why people love it.  It really feels like you are floating!

I also skied a black diamond, although not intentionally.  After several early runs on easier trails, I decided to ride a different lift to see where it would take me. No trail map... just my sense of adventure!  Well, it took me to to the TOP... where there are only black diamond runs to get back down to the bottom.  I had no choice but to ski it. Luckily I did ok...  I didn't fall... until the VERY bottom where the trial turns into an "easy" trail.... that's where I wiped out.  HA!  Go figure.  My next order of business was to find a trail map so I would NOT make that mistake again!  :)

We met at the lodge for lunch but after 3 or 4 hours of skiing we were both pretty cold so we called it a day. Mike had been playing on Google Maps one day and noticed there was a lake near Kirkwood, so we decided to ride a few minutes down the road to check it out (because paddleboard season will be here before you know it).  It's called Silver Lake and of course... it was frozen solid.  I snapped a few pics:

Standing on or near the shorline... we think.  Not exactly sure.  

Standing on the lake... looking in the direction of Kirkwood Ski Resort which is just on the other side of the ridge. 

Following tracks to find the ice-fishermen 

See that crust under the snow... that would be the lake.  

Picnic anyone???  

I had no idea when I woke up this morning that I would walk on a frozen lake today!  That was a first for me.  Can't wait to come back in the summer and see what it looks like.  

Things are wonderful here!  I hope everyone is doing well in NC!!!!!  Miss you all!!!!   

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