Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bears and Bunnies

Well, we had our first official bear sighting!  Mike and I were driving down Kingsbury Grade which is the mountain pass that our neighborhood is on.  We both happened to look down one of the side streets and saw a big ol' brown bear walking slowly across the road.  Naturally, we turned the car around and went back for a better view!  We've heard a lot about the bears in this area... how they aren't fearful of humans, and how they wander around looking through trash.  But seeing one for the first time (outside of a zoo) was a little surreal.  We sat in the truck and just watched it for a few minutes.  It seemed so cute and innocent... while simultaneously seeming HUGE and scary!  I was very grateful that our first bear sighting was from the comfort of the truck instead of face-to-face on a trail in the backcountry.  

Locals have told us that as long as we don't try to feed a bear or come between a momma bear and her cubs, they usually mind their own business.  I seriously hope that is true.  But if we are out hiking and bear comes between me and my "cub" aka my dog... that bear better watch out because I will probably go into "momma bear" mode.  I don't think this will be an issue because we've heard from lots of people that bears are generally scared of dogs ESPECIALLY if the dog is wearing a loud, "jingly" collar.  Anyway, that was our first bear sighting... but I feel pretty sure it won't be our last. 

On another topic... HAPPY EASTER to all our friends and family!  We hope you all are doing very well and we wish you a very happy Easter holiday. We miss you all! 

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