Monday, March 18, 2013

The Story of Kendall and Blair

Once upon a time, in the summer of 2007, there was a young girl named Blair and an even younger girl named Kendall.  The two of them would "hang out" on a regular basis and they became very good friends!  Kendall thought that Blair was around to help her with some daily needs... getting dressed, eating, etc and Blair thought that Kendall was around to help HER with some daily needs... happiness, fun, courage, a positive attitude, etc.

When you spend time with Kendall, it is IMPOSSIBLE to be ANYTHING but HAPPY.  You can ask any one of her many friends.  She is a complete inspiration.  Her amazing smile will brighten your day.  And her laugh is totally contagious.  I can't possibly remember all the times we laughed hysterically... and I wasn't even sure what we were laughing about in the first place.

Tomorrow Kendall will be undergoing a very long surgery.  She is brave.  And she is tough.  And so is her loving family.  So I wanted to dedicate this blog post to Kendall!  Best of luck to you with surgery tomorrow and I am praying for the FASTEST recovery in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD!!!  Thank you so much for being an awesome inspiration to MANY people, not just me.  You have impacted my life in a lot of ways.  I miss hanging out with you like we used to do, but I have no doubt that we will always keep in touch!  LOVE YOU!

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