Friday, March 15, 2013


I have always felt that I have been truly blessed in my life.

Despite my MANY blessings, I have always been a "worrier."  I get so stressed out about things!  It's ridiculous.  

Since we moved across the country, Mike and I vowed to decrease the stress in our lives!  No more 60 hour work weeks!  He found job that gives him the ultimate flexibility and allows him to set his own hours, working from home.  I found per diem work at the hospital and fortunately, they needed lots of help, so getting hours wasn't really a problem.

But there was always something to worry about.  To make a very long story short, I need full time employment status to meet certain student loan criteria.  Nevertheless, I didn't stress about it.  My per diem hours are covering the bills... it's. all. good.

About a week ago, the director of rehab at the hospital asked to meet with me in his office.  He shuts the door and sits down in his office chair with this hands together, fingertips supporting his chin (as if he's thinking about HOW to tell me something).

Naturally, my worrying self is subconsciously saying: "What the heck have you done? You must have screwed something up pretty bad because he can't even figure out how to begin this conversation!!!"

And so he begins...

... by asking me...

... if I'm interested in a full time position at the hospital.

Obviously, not what I was expecting to hear, so I had to take a moment to realize what he was asking.  I think my response was, "What?  Seriously?  Yes, absolutely I'm interested!"  And today, about a week later, I got my offer for full time from human resources!  YAY!  Thank you GOD!  I kept my faith.  I never worried that He would provide for us if this is what is meant for us... and He provided.

I'm excited to be a full time PT at Barton.  It's a wonderful hospital.  My only worry now: I don't want to work TOO much!  :)

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