Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fishing at Indian Creek Reservoir

A few weeks ago, Mike went fishing at this reservoir down the "hill" from our house.  Since that time, he's wanted to go back with his paddleboard.  So, we packed up our boards and his fishing gear on Friday night, woke up at 5:20 am Saturday morning, and headed for the reservoir.  

The sun wasn't even up yet when we arrived... and it was a cool 19 degrees out. 

Me: "Aren't you going to fish from your paddleboard?"
Mike: "Not until the sun comes up."  

Peaceful and beautiful

A man... a fishing pole... and man's best friend.  What could be better than that?  I KNOW!  A supportive wife who sits and watches her husband fish (because SHE hasn't gotten her fishing license for California yet). 

I think Zater was hoping there was a fish on the line.  

Just chillin' and watching the sun come up.  

And since I couldn't participate in all the fishing action, I had to stay warm on the sidelines.  So I bundled up in my sleeping bag and enjoyed the peaceful setting.  

Finally the sun came up!  

Mike got to do a little fishing from his paddleboard! 

It was a really relaxing way to spend a Saturday morning.  You'll notice there are no pictures of fish on this post... that's because he didn't catch any (sorry Mike).  Lots of nibbles, no bites... but this time I was there so I know it's true!  

When we left, we had to make a trip to Walmart for groceries and he picked up some different bait to try!  There's fish in that water.  That we are sure of.  Just gotta catch them so we can have some fresh rainbow trout for dinner!!!  

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