Thursday, December 13, 2012

13 DAYS!!!


I almost peed my pants just typing that!!! 

Have you seen those videos where parents surprise their kids by telling them they're going to Disney World???  Mike has felt that kind of excitement for MONTHS!  But now that it is getting so close... I can hardly contain MY excitement!  

In a previous post I mentioned how well things have "fallen into place."  Well, we can add one more piece to the puzzle: Mike has a J.O.B. 

He will actually be working for Flow (the company he currently works for here in Greensboro), as an online buyer.  So... he will go to online car auctions and will buy cars for the store in NC.  

His daily commute to work will include climbing 1 flight of steps to get from our 2nd floor to the 3rd floor where we plan to put his office.  And technically he could work in his PJ's if wants.  I just hate that he has such a TOUGH commute everyday!  [obviously sarcasm]

On a serious note... this is something my husband TOTALLY deserves.  He has worked such long hours in the car business for so many years now and although he didn't seem to mind the work, the volume of work hours definitely took a toll on his happiness.  

It's entirely possible probable that we won't be bringing in quite as much income each month as we do with our current jobs but we WILL have more time to spend together.  And even though it's been almost 13 (long) years together, we still like spending time with each other.  We can't wait to spend some of our time on crazy/new adventures! 

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