Sunday, December 23, 2012

Making Memories...

It's official.  We have packed up all of our stuff, and we are completely moved out of our home.  It was so strange to lock the door for the last time, and know that someone else would be living in our house for the next year (at least).  We have loved our little townhome.  It was our first place together... it was the place we came home to after our wedding... and it's a place that we upgraded to make it "our own."  It has been a wonderful home, and although I'm sad to leave, I'm so excited about the next steps in our lives that any/all sadness is completely overshadowed.  

So, now we are living out of our suitcases for the next 10 days.  All of our belongings are packed away in a 6x12 trailer, waiting in my parents yard for our upcoming trek across the country.  It's a strange paradox: knowing EXACTLY where ALL of our stuff is... but simultaneously not knowing where ANYTHING is.  

We spent the past week spending time with friends and family every night.  Monday, we had Christmas at Mike's mom's house.  'Tis the season to eat (overindulge), drink, and be merry... and we certainly did all three.  My mother-in-law and her husband will be out of town for Christmas, so it was the last time we will see her until they come to visit us in Tahoe (or we come home... whichever comes first).  Needless to say, it was hard saying our first real "good-bye" to family.  But thank goodness for modern technology... we can SKYPE!  Not the same as being in person, but better than not seeing each other at all!  And certainly better than having to snail mail letters across the country like they did in the "old" days (ya know... pre-email).   

We got a kerosene heater!  And all the extras that come with it!   

Mike's mom... and the chef/hostess

and snow it WILL... 

We will be staying at my parents home through Christmas; making a few more memories before we move so far away.   It has been nice to spend time with my brother and his family.  We all spent the night at "Pa and JuJu's" last night, and opened Christmas presents this morning.  After all the stress of packing and planning, it's been really nice just sitting and relaxing while watching the kids (and dogs) run around.  And, of course it wouldn't be the holidays without totally overindulging at every meal.  


My sweet niece and nephew... 

My mom always makes Christmas an adventure.  In other words, you have to work for your Christmas present.  This year we had a list of clues and we had to snoop around the house to find the gifts.  Mike found one of our presents in the refrigerator... one in the pantry... one in a tree... you get the idea. 

During the hunt for our presents

And we got a custom made ski rack... thanks Dad! 

And to "kill" a little time in the afternoon... we did a little shooting.  

Naturally, the fun and festivities were followed by naps under the Christmas tree.  

Everything has been wonderful so far, and it's not even Christmas eve yet.  We will spend Christmas eve and Christmas day enjoying our time with our closest friends and family... soaking up some memories in case we aren't home for the next few Christmases.  

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