Monday, December 3, 2012

"Hell On The Highway"

Just recently, we started watching a new TV show on National Geographic.  The show is called "Hell On The Highway," and guess where it takes place???  

That's right.  Lake Tahoe.  Of course they would start airing a TV show about the TREACHEROUS roads, just weeks before we move out there.   

This is the type of show that Mike loves watching.  Anything on National Geographic... or Discovery... or the Weather Channel... and it's pretty much a sure bet that he'll enjoy it.  Me?  I don't really mind watching those shows (and in fact, I sometimes find myself watching them even if Mike is still at work or out of town or something), but typically I'd rather watch something "girlier" like sitcoms or lately: CHRISTMAS MOVIES!  

The other night when "Hell On The Highway" was on, I got TOTALLY freaked out.  I was legitimately scared.  It's pretty intense.  However, (mom, if you are reading this - don't freak out just yet) the show takes place in Truckee, California.  If you read my last post, you know that Truckee is north of where we will be living.  Donner Pass is the major mountain pass in that area, and they get a LOT of snow each year.  It's pretty infamous (for those of you that don't know the story of the Donner party... Google it... or maybe I'll write about it another day).  

Mike and I have discussed this.  He knows that I'm nervous about driving in the elements out there, but we are preparing as much as we possibly can.  I'll have my Subaru which is all-wheel drive and we are planning to change my current tires for studded snow tires to give me as much traction as possible (and it's worth mentioning that the tire swap will take place BEFORE we even drive up the mountain for the first time).  

Long story short:  I am feeling a little better about driving in the snow but, I will ALWAYS respect the weather and the roads out there.  And, in keeping with the theme of my last post... PLEASE keep praying that we won't need to call the tow-truck companies that are featured in "Hell On The Highway."  

1 comment:

  1. First of all, love you blog, second, please make sure there are a couple of inches of snow on the road before you change out for snow tires or it will run the tires and your car.
